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Lets Take A Hike To An Anasazi Indian Ruin |
Finally Arrived, Page 4 |

The hike into Keet Seel Canyon is beautiful, but hazards include quicksand and seasonally regular flash floods. Check with the rangers at the Visitor Center to see if it is safe to hike up the canyon. If not then use the upper trail.This sign reads "Due to Flashfloods and Quicksand use upper trail" So, stay on the trail and pay attention. |

As you approach the Ranger's cabin for the tour of Keet Seel, you may walk a little slow after dropping off those heavy packs. This boy looks like he has a major case of the "Drag Ass".
Situated under a cavernous Navajo sandstone overhang the ancient Anasazi Ruin of Keet Seel lies quiet. It's an amazing sight. So vast is the scale of its setting that from a distance the ruin seems small nestled inside its sandstone alcove. From this distance you get a great view of the "tapestries", dark-streaked iron and manganese oxide stains produced by centuries of rainwater washing over the rim and down the wall above the alcove.

The distance from the campground to the ruin is 1/4 mile. On the way check in at the ranger cabin for your tour of the Ruins. |